Ambient Trem

Ableton Version Manual


There are two ways to install Ambient Trem for Ableton: the project file or the .ADG file.

The Project File is used for quick access to the library and doesn't need much for installation. Once the download file is unzipped, open the project file using Ableton and you should have access.

The .ADG File is used to add Ambient Trem to an existing project. There are two ways of adding this to a project. The easiest way is to drag and drop the .ADG file into your open Ableton project. It will add a new MIDI channel with Ambient Trem loaded in. The second way is to move/copy the .ADG file into the path below (using Command + Shift + G then putting a slash on a Mac is an easy way to navigate to this path)

Music / Ableton / User Library / Presets / Instruments / Instrument Racks

Once the .ADG file is put in that folder, it will now be easier to find within Ableton. When you open the Browser (Control + Option + B), you have easy access to everything within the User Library folder in Places. Simply navigate to the file and drag and drop it into your project.

Session View Interface

This part is only applicable when loading the project file.

In Session View, you can switch between the two versions of Ambient Trem: Clean and Soaring.

Clean was recorded on the neck pickup of a custom-built T-style guitar with low-wind humbuckers into an 1176-style compressor, reverb then into amps at the edge of breakup.

Soaring was recorded on the bridge pickup of that same guitar but in between the compressor and reverb, a boutique overdrive (loosely based on a timeless green one) was added.

Device Interface

The device interface has a number of envelope and EQ options at your fingertips.

Tone (LPF) - The frequency of the low pass filter (high cut). This is wide open by default, but if you want to kick the trems back in the mix a bit and mellow them out, this is a great place to start!

HPF - The frequency of the high pass filter (low cut). This isn’t cutting any lows by default.

Air (10kHz) - The level of a high shelf at 10kHz. To add a bit of presence and sparkle if needed.

Attack - How long it takes for the note to fade in. By default, this is set to 0.

Release - How long it takes for a note to fade out when it stops sustaining. By default, this is set to just under five seconds.

Reverb - Mix Percentage of an added reverb for this version

Tech Specs

  • Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz 24 bit

  • Download Size: 268.1 MB

  • Library Size: 272.8 MB


  • Ableton Live v12.0.10 or higher with Sampler installed

  • 8GB RAM


For any additional questions you have on Organ Swells or any other library, please contact us.